Federal Executive Branch
The White House [www.whitehouse.gov]
Department of Justice [www.justice.gov]
- Guidelines on Use of Informers
- Civil Rights Division
- Criminal Division
- FOIA Page for Department of Justice
- Office of the Attorney General
- Offices of the United States Attorneys
- Cybercrime
Office of Justice Programs [www.ojp.usdoj.gov]
Drug Enforcement Administration [www.dea.gov]
Federal Bureau of Investigation [www.fbi.gov]
Federal Bureau of Prisons [www.bop.gov]
Immigration and Naturalization Service [www.uscis.gov]
National Institute of Justice [www.nij.gov]
Central Intelligence Agency [www.cia.gov]
Internal Revenue Service [www.irs.gov]
- Courts
- Michigan Judicial Branch
- Michigan Executive Branch
- Michigan Legislative Branch
- Michigan Bar/Legal Associations
- Michigan Law Schools
- Michigan News Services
- Federal Judicial Branch
- Federal Executive Branch
- Federal Legislative Branch
- National Bar/Legal Associations
- Public Defender Offices
- Legal Resources